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Information day Interreg NEXT MED Program

el martes, 20 de febrero de 2024 de 09:45 a 17:00


CaixaForum de València

Calle de Eduardo Primo Yúfera, 1A

Valencia (Valencia)

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Jornada informativa programa Interreg NEXT MED

Jornada informativa programa Interreg NEXT MED

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Call proposal Interreg NEXT MED

Call proposal Interreg NEXT MED

The Interreg NEXT MED Program is pleased to announce MEDTOUR, its series of information events across the Mediterranean region to explain all the details of the first call for proposals. In the city of Valencia it will take place on February 20, 2024.

Building on the success of the two online events on January 23 and 24, which attracted more than 1,200 participants, the MEDTOUR initiative represents a significant step in guiding interested organizations through the rules of the call for proposals and the process . presentation, ensuring that potential applicants are well prepared and informed for effective participation.


09.00 Registration of participants and welcome coffee MORNING SESSION:

9.45 – 13.30 09.45 Institutional addresses

• Raquel Aguado Muñoz, Director General for the Representation before the EU and the Autonomous Communities, Presidencia, Generalitat Valenciana

• Ricardo Sánchez-Blanco Codorniu, Deputy Director General RELEX and EUCommercial Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation

• Marco Melis, Director General of the Interreg NEXT MED Managing Authority,Autonomous Region of Sardinia, Italy

10.00 Understanding the Interreg NEXT MED Programme: vision and strategy

10.15 Focus on the first call for proposals

• Type of projects

• Participation and eligibility rules

• Financial rules and eligible costs

11.15 Questions and answers 11.45 Designing a competitive proposal • Evaluation procedure • Award criteria

12.45 Questions and answers

13.15 National aspects and recommendations

13.30 Lunch break


14.30 - 17.00 - Technical information on the use of the eapplication form (particularly recommended to potential Applicants)

14.30 Introduction: role and responsibilities of the Applicant

14.45 Filling in the e-application form: narrative part 3

• Access and registration

• Key information

• The intervention logic

15.15 Filling in the e-application form: financial part

• Budget breakdown

• Flat rate, co-financing and 50% rule

• Financial capacity

16.00 Filling in the e-application form: environmental checklists

16.15 Questions and answers

16.45 Technicalities to submit the proposal

• Uploading documents

• Validation and submission

17.00 End of the event

DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, February 20 from 9:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

LOCATION: CaixaForum València C/ Eduardo Primo Yúfera, 1A,València Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències

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