
Healthtech Invest Europe 2017

Comienzo: el miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017 a las 11:00
Finaliza: el jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017 a las 16:00




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Healthtech Invest Europe 2017 will take place on 15-16 March 2017 in Helsinki, bringing together leading investors from Europe and some of the most promising Health Tech entrepreneurs of Europe and Finland. The event will concentrate on the following subsectors:

  • Medical Devices & Diagnostics
  • Digital Health
  • Connected Health & Sensors
  • Wearables and Well-Being Technology

40 of the best European early stage Healthtech companies will be selected to present at the event by the investors of the selection committee. The applying companies will be assessed on the basis of their business potential, product and technology merit, competitive position, investment or partnering interest, team experience and project quality. Healthtech Invest Europe (HIE) will allow entrepreneurs to meet and present themselves to active international investors and corporations seeking investment and partnerships. 

As Finland is becoming a leading digital health hub with start-ups in the sector, growing at a huge speed, the event will be a perfect opportunity for the international stakeholders to share insights and exchange experience in the sector. The two-day intensive programme of the event will allow participants to network and be a part of the quality pitches and discussions.

Finland has invested in health for decades, supporting companies via various funding programs. The Healthtech sector has a strong foundation in research, product development and innovation, which require specialised competences. At the same time more & more players joined forces to strengthen Finland`s position as an internationally renowned forerunner in health sector research, innovation, investment and new business activities. 

During Finland’s big celebration year, Healthtech Invest Europe will celebrate innovation and entrepreneurship, giving opportunity to 40 pre-selected entrepreneurs from early stage companies to present before an expert jury, consisting of representatives of national and international leading venture funds, business angels and corporate investors.


  • Getting a full-day coaching session at the Venture Academy on the day prior to the forum, to be well prepared for your pitch;
  • Presenting opportunity before leading European investors;
  • Networking opportunities with venture capitalists, corporate investors, business angels & fast-growing companies;
  • Pre-arranged One2One meetings between you and investors;
  • Visibility through the website & your company profile in the event booklet.
  • A chance to experience the Finnish entrepreneurial ecosystem during Finland’s big year;

How to apply:

  • Register directly on our website here
  • Complete the online profile
  • Upload latest corporate presentation or pitch deck


Wednesday 15 March 2017
11:30 Venture Academy
Interactive sessions with selected companies to "dry-run" and get coaching on their presentations
15:30 Registration Opens
16:00 Opening by the Organizers and Hosts
16:30 Keynote Speech
17:00 Panel Discussion "Investment Trends in Healthtech - Where is the Money Going to Flow?"
17:45 Elevator Pitches
'Elevator pitches by all of the companies, selected to present at Healthtech Invest Europe 2017'

18:30 Bus Transport to City Center
19:00 Networking Drinks and Dinner
Thursday 16 March 2017
08:00 Welcome and Registration
08:30 Company Presentation Session
'Reverse Pitches Investors + 5 Company Presentations'

Company Presentation Session
'Reverse Pitches Investors + 5 Company Presentations'

Company Presentation Session
'Reverse Pitches Investors + 5 Company Presentations'

Company Presentation Session
'Reverse Pitches Investors + 5 Company Presentations'

09:45 Networking Coffee Break
10:15 Company Presentation Session
'Reverse Pitches Investors + 5 Company Presentations'

Company Presentation Session
'Reverse Pitches Investors + 5 Company Presentations'

Company Presentation Session
'Reverse Pitches Investors + 5 Company Presentations'

Company Presentation Session
'Reverse Pitches Investors + 5 Company Presentations'

11:45 One2One Meetings
'Networking Lounge & One2One Meetings Between Entrepreneurs & Investors'
12:30 Networking Lunch
13:15 One2One Meetings
'Networking Lounge & One2One Meetings Between Entrepreneurs & Investors'
14:00 Keynote Speech
'Data for Health'
14:30 Panel discussion: "How "Digital" is transforming Healthcare and Medtech?""
15:15 Award Ceremony & Closing



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