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Which wine to drink with paella?

mejor vino para acompañar paella
Escuela de arroces y paella Valenciana | Paella School

Escuela de arroces y paella Valenciana | Paella School

Publicado el lunes, 06 de abril de 2020 a las 12:46

A good wine is the perfect companion when it comes to eating paella, but the truth is that depending on the type of paella, one wine will be better than another. It is important to choose a good wine, since a wrong choice can make us live an unpleasant experience and leave a bad taste in our mouths. Next we will see the different types of paella and the perfect wine to pair them.

Which wine to drink with paella?

The best wine for Paella Valenciana

As you will know if you have taken a look at our website, the original valencian paella includes ingredients such as chicken, rabbit, runner beans and garrafó. The variety of its ingredients allow to pair this dish with a wide number of wines, from reds to whites and rosés. The best thing for a perfect balance is to opt for a fresh and young wine with a fruity aroma.

The best wine for Seafood Paella

Seafood Paella usually includes delicious products such as cuttlefish, crayfish, prawns or langoustines. For this type of paella the best choice is a light, balanced and fresh wine, so a white wine is ideal to pair this exquisite dish. The idea of opting for a light wine is that it doesn't mask the taste of the paella.

The best wine for Vegetables Paella

Vegetables Paella is prepared with a variety of vegetables such as peppers, brussels sprouts or eggplant, among others. Ideal to accompany this dish is a light and fresh pink wine, which complements perfectly with the taste of the paella. It is a paella with great flavor and also very healthy.

These are the best wines to match the most typical paellas in Valencia. If you want to live the complete experience of cooking a paella and enjoy what you have cooked with the perfect pairing, we encourage you to reserve one of our Paella Courses. Discover more of our gastronomy with our introductory course in spanish gastronomy.

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