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More than 30 people interested in clean energies at the 2nd Maestrale BEL

Más de 30 personas se interesan por las energías limpias en el 2º Maestrale BEL

The meeting was framed within the Sesame Summit event

MAESTRALE Project - CEEI Valencia

MAESTRALE Project - CEEI Valencia

Publicado el viernes, 05 de abril de 2019 a las 15:02

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2nd BEL

Mesa redonda "Impacto de las tecnologías limpias"

The first day of the Sesame Summit took place yesterday (last April 8th) . This event, with an international approach, has been organised to debate the current issues or problems of the Valencian business ecosystem. In this framework, a meeting was developed, and different papers on clean energy were presented. CEEI Valencia participated with its 2nd Blue Energy Lab (BEL), focused on the use of this type of technology and its impact.
A round table was held, with the participation of Marcos J. Lacruz, President of AVAESEN (Valencian Energy Industries Association), Andrea Novás, Project Manager of the company Rotary Wave, Raúl Cascajo, Head of Environmental policies of Valencia Port and Juan Pablo Torregrosa, Coordinator of international projects of CEEI Valencia and Maestrale, acting as moderator.
During the event, Valencia Port explained its intention to install a wind and photovoltaic park; AVAESEN drew attention to the actions they carry out to support Cleantech entrepreneurs and Rotary Wave explained in more detail how the Valencian coast may benefit from its innovative devices.
The event was attended by more than 30 entrepreneurs and startups who showed their interest in promoting the use of these technologies. Also they are willing to participate in the training modules for entrepreneurs that CEEI Valencia will carry out in the framework of MAESTRALE project.
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