MER Project Valencia Study Visit resum
Publicado por sanmemlau
lunes, 04 de agosto de 2014 a las 12:37
The study visit was hold in Valencia on January 14th - 16th. The objective of this meeting was to identify best practices, industrial areas or business areas where among its strategy and management policies are the sustainability, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, etc. (Valencia Technology Park and Lorcha ECO-Industrial Park)
The European Project MER-MARKETING AND GOVERNING INNOVATIVE INDUSTRIAL AREA is based on the value that green marketing and sustainable management of industrial areas could be a key factor to attract investment to Europe. MER aims to identify tools on a long term basis for sustainable and responsible economic development of these areas. Through a "network of networks", share experiences, ideas, opportunities, best practices and perspectives on energy, environment and green marketing tools to contribute also to improving the competitiveness and attractiveness in the context of sustainable growth in line with the Europe 2020 Strategy.
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04/08/2014 12:37 | sanmemlau