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Horizon 2020 "SME instrument"

How to obtain a European grant for an innovative business project.

el lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017 de 09:30 a 14:00


CEEI Valencia

Salón de Actos

Avda. Benjamin Franklin 12. Parque Tecnológico

Paterna (Valencia)


[email protected] 96 199 42 00

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H2020 jornada

Jornada "Instrumento Pyme de H2020"

Keys to the preparation of proposals, success stories and evaluation process. The European Union's Research and Innovation Framework Program, Horizon 2020, is now three and a half years longer. The Valencian Community is a successful European benchmark with 65 Financial Instruments until June 2017, representing investments in innovation of more than 33 million euros. It is time to take advantage of the experience of the successful companies, the Spanish representative of the SME instrument in the EU, and the expert expert of the EC. This action is part of the Strategy of the Valencian Regional Government of R + D + i Coordination, which aims to increase and improve the participation of SMEs and agents of knowledge transfer of the Comunitat Valenciana in the Horizon 2020 Program.


9:30 Registration of registered attendees

10:00 Welcome and presentation of the day

Julia Company. Director General of IVACE.

Cristina Del Campo. Dirrector General of RED IT

Jesus Casanova. Director CEEI Valencia.

10:20 Keys to preparing proposals

Luis Guerra. Spanish Delegate H2020 SME and Access to Risk Finance Program Committee in CDTI.

11:15 Coffee Break with Marketplace SEIMED

Presentation of profiles with opportunities to find European partners for projects.

11:45 SME success stories. Experience and good practices

Modera José Vilar. Technical Secretary CV Action Plan in H2020. IVACE

12:45 How to connect with the evaluator from the index to the end of the proposal?

Elvira Martín. Expert evaluator of H2020.

13:45 Questions and closing of the day

DIRECTED To Companies in general, SMEs with market experience, capacity and interest in growing globally through the commercialization of new products and processes. Researchers, project managers and other entities interested in participating in European R + D projects.

FREE REGISTRATION via Seimed's website


12:00 to 15:00 Bilateral Interviews with the Spanish Delegate of the SME Instrument: in order to request an interview, in addition to registering for the Conference, the report must be sent using the official European Commission template (before 10:00 am on the 15th September 2017) to: [email protected]. In case of being exceeded by number of interviews the time foreseen for them will be taken care of the requests by order of inscription.


Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de ValenciaREDIT. Red de Institutos Tecnológicos de la Comunitat ValencianaIVACE+ i Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad e InnovaciónSEIMED Enterprise European NetworkFocus Pyme y Emprendimiento


CDTI. Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico IndustrialITENE. Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y LogísticaEnergy for Business S.L.
11.780 visitas



sanmemlau - 29-08-17

Re: Proyecto CEF IADAATPA - mayor contrato de infraestructuras digitales lingüísticas (Pangeanic)

Buenos días a.helle,

¡Esperamos verte en la jornada y que puedas compartir con los asistentes vuestra experiencia!

Un saludo


a.helle - 28-08-17

Proyecto CEF IADAATPA - mayor contrato de infraestructuras digitales lingüísticas (Pangeanic)


Gracias por la invitación, nos es muy interesante porque hemos participado en un proyecto europeo (EXPERT) sobre tecnologías de traducción automática y ahora hemos liderado una propuesta que ha ganado el mayor contrato de infraestructuras digitales lingüísticas de 2017, con la ayuda de Everis. La versión en español del proyecto iADAATPA está en nuestra web en español. Hemos recibido el apoyo de SESIAD y Segittur para desarrollar en administraciones públicas españolas la posibilidad de conectarse de modo seguro y cifrado al servicio gratuito de traducción automática de la UE (MT@EC) o personalizado para otro tipo de aplicaciones (seguridad, salud, etc).


Creemos que nuestra experiencia puede aportar algo y ser de valor a los asistentes.


Manuel Herranz


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