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EC Communication Campaign - Horizon2020

Second Cycle of Simplification in the H2020 Rules

el lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017 de 09:30 a 13:30


Universitat Politècnica de València

Edificio 8B – 3ª planta

Camino de Vera, s/n

Valencia (Valencia)

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Jornada horizon2020 Valencia

Jornada Horizon2020 Valencia

The European Commission (EC) has launched a new communication campaign on legal and financial aspects of
Horizon 2020 (H2020), holding information days in the different Member States. The purpose of the campaign is to influence the latest changes to the Grant Agreement last February and the publication of version 4.0 of the Annotated Model Grant Agreement, as well as to present the principles of audits and review those elements of

The European Union's Research and Innovation Framework Program, Horizon 2020, is now three and a half years longer. The Valencian Community is a European reference of participation in the calls. This action is part of the Valencian Community Coordination Strategy in H2020, which aims to increase and improve the participation of Valencian Community agents in the Horizon 2020 European Program.

Ms. Carmen Hormigo
Ms. Diana Castrillón
PNC Legal and Financial Affairs H2020

09:30 Registration of attendees
10:00 Welcome and introduction to the main changes
In the GA since 2016
10:15 Personal Costs
New concepts in the calculation of remunerations.
• Personnel with direct (non-labor) contracts.
• The options for calculating personnel costs.
11:00 Other Direct Costs
The use of Unit Costs for internal invoices.
11:45 Coffee break.
12:15 Third Parties
New Art.14.a (Partner organizations)
13:00 First lessons about H2020 Audits

FOR Personal researcher, project managers and project managers in Europe. Science and innovation agents
Of the Valencian Community, participants in H2020.

REGISTRATION Sending name, surname, entity, e-mail and telephone through this link.


Prior to the Conference, and until September 11, it will be possible to send questions for the different sessions through the following link: [email protected]



IVACE+ i Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad e InnovaciónREDIT. Red de Institutos Tecnológicos de la Comunitat ValencianaSEIMED Enterprise European NetworkConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)Universidad Politècnica de València (UPV)
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