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Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum - Energy Efficiency Finance Market


Comienzo: el martes, 19 de febrero de 2019 a las 13:00
Finaliza: el miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2019 a las 16:30


Crowne Plaza Hotel - Le Palace

Rue Gineste, 3 B-1210


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The Covenant of Mayors is the world's largest movement for local climate and energy actions. The initiative now brings together more than 7,000 local and regional authorities in 57 countries, leveraging the strengths of a global multi-stakeholder movement. The signatories support a shared vision by 2050: accelerate the decarbonisation of their territories, strengthen their capacity to adapt to the inevitable impacts of climate change and allow their citizens to access safe, sustainable and affordable energy.

The event presents 30 successful projects in six thematic parallel lines of dedicated interactive workshops that include:
-Sustainable energy planning.

- Financing of clean urban transport.

- Financing of energy efficiency in the public sector.

- Housing renovation schemes in cities and regions.

- Financing of climate adaptation.

- Innovative financing schemes that facilitate the market for climate and sustainable energy financing.

The professionals will provide their concrete experiences in the planning and development of fundable sustainable energy investment projects and climate adaptation projects in order to stimulate and allow replication by other interested project promoters.

The energy efficiency programs of H2020, smart cities and communities and LIFE, as well as the ELENA facilities of the European Investment Bank and the European Energy Efficiency Fund (eee-f) will present successful projects on planning and financing of sustainable energy projects and climate adaptation

DATE: From February 19 to 20, 2019

PLACE: Crowne Plaza Hotel - Le Palace in rue Gineste, 3 B-1210 Brussels

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