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Nessie project for marine renewable energy

It could provide opportunities for global growth and job creation in the US

Publicado por Admoneuropa2020
viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018 a las 13:11

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Proyecto Nessie

Proyecto Nessie

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus used to affirm in his timeless thinking Panta Rhei, "everything changes and nothing remains still". This is what happens every day to all marine structures and one of the biggest challenges they face is corrosion. EMFF funded NeSSIE project might have found the response to this problem.

We are surrounded by ever-changing things that are destined to alter themselves, sooner or later. Alteration, change and corrosion of marine structure are sometimes inevitable.

The NeSSIE project aims at assessing innovative corrosion solutions in the wave, tidal and offshore wind sectors.

In order to do so, the project will develop three investable demonstration projects for offshore renewables in the North Sea. Once developed and commercialised, these corrosion solutions would be also able to provide global growth and job creation opportunities in the EU. In a recently published study, the NeSSIE project mapped the current situation of the development of new materials in the offshore renewables market through the assessment of the ongoing research and standards in corrosion solutions.

NeSSIE also investigated the economic potential of anticorrosion solutions. According to its model, by adopting corrosion solutions and strategies, the the industry could save up to €84 billion. Furthermore, another €82 billion could be created in supply chain opportunities in the wave, tidal and offshore wind sectors across Europe by 2050.  Nessie published all these finding in two reports.

Indeed, savings would also involve the operations and maintenance costs of marine structures as corrosion proves to be one of the most significant factors. Panta Rhei, then, is somehow inevitable. Sometimes, however, solutions can be found in order to be better prepared when everything starts flowing.

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