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European Startup Prize for mobility

Shapig the future of mobility in Europe

Hasta el lunes, 21 de enero de 2019 a las 23:59

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European Startup Prize for Mobility

European Startup Prize for Mobility

Open call for all new companies in the mobility and transport sector that wish to develop within the European Union.

The EUSP is a unique accelerator program that supports new companies that develop sustainable mobility innovations, with the aim of giving them the necessary resources to scale in Europe.

We are a leading public-private initiative co-founded by the President of the Transport and Tourism Committee of the European Parliament, Karima Delli, Boston Consulting Group and Via ID.

With the support of the European Parliament and the European Commission, as well as influential partners such as ADP, GRDF, Europcar Mobility Group and RATP,

DIRECTED: to mobility companies throughout Europe. All these partners bring together their networks, financial knowledge and key areas of influence as they work to recognize the future champions of mobility in the course of competition.

PRIZES: There will be 10 winners

Six will win the Silver Prize package

Greater visibility: With the exhibition of the EUSP, you will obtain a valuable international recognition for its start.

Opportunities to establish contacts: Know and establish contacts with decision makers, partners, clients, investors and politicians.

European tour: Put your start on a European tour with all expenses paid for five technology events with dedicated coaching sessions and business development.

Positive impact label: You will obtain an official economic and ecological rating issued by experts, including Carbon 4, to help you raise funds and close contracts

Four will win the Gold Award in addition to the Silver.

Superior legal and business advice: Customized tutoring from Boston Consulting Group, with the support of legal and corporate partners.

REGISTRATION PERIOD: From December 13, 2018 to January 21, 2019

Fuente original del contenido:

European Startup Prize  

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