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The Africa Netpreneur Prize

Premio África Netpreneur

The project of Jack Ma founder of Alibaba seeks to support African entrepreneurs during the next 10 years

Hasta el domingo, 30 de junio de 2019 a las 23:59

The founder and CEO of the Alibaba Group, Jack Ma, launched the Netpreneur Award of the Jack Ma Foundation, a new program created to support and finance African entrepreneurs working to address the most important challenges and challenges in Africa to advance their digital economy through local entrepreneurship.

Each year, over the next ten years, the ANPI will organize a pitching competition throughout Africa, after which ten finalists will compete for one million dollars in prizes. The Initiative aims to support and inspire the next generation of African entrepreneurs in all sectors, who are building a more sustainable and inclusive economy for the future. The ANPI has grouped a solid player ecosystem to support traditional businesses and those driven by technology.

By 2030, the ANPI hopes to identify and highlight 100 African business heroes that will inspire the continent. From the first day, his approach has been based on the community and has focused on inclusion; be truly for Africans and Africans.

The ten finalists will receive funds from the Jack Ma Foundation, as well as access to the Netpreneur community of African business leaders to take advantage of the shared experience, best practices and community resources.

Basic criteria of ANPI

Application Open to national businessmen from any of the 54 African countries.
Open to all sectors of the industry.
Young people and businesswomen are strongly encouraged to run.  

The activities and key dates for the award are: Application launch: March 27, 2019.
Deadline for applications: June 30, 2019.
Announcement of the 50 main regional finalists: August 2019
Announcement of the final 10 finalists: October 2019.
Grand final launch event: November 2019

Fuente original del contenido:

Fundación Jack Ma  

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