
VLC-Health Ecosystem

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Part of the ECHAlliance International Network of Ecosystems

el jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015 de 09:00 a 16:00


Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia

Calle Quart, 80




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Health and social care provision in our environment is facing an unprecedented challenge due to population ageing, with an increasing demand for services that entails a strong financial pressure. Facing this situation, the creation of eHealth Ecosystems is being fostered in the framework of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA), an initiative of the European Commission comprising the entire value chain of research and innovation to better integrate and coordinate all actors at all levels: European, national, regional and local levels, and achieve a critical mass that helps to create innovative solutions to face up to the progressive ageing of European population.

In this context, we present VLC-Health Ecosystem, initiative promoted by the University of Valencia, the University of Valencia Science Park and INCLIVA Health Research Institute, as a stable platform for fostering collaboration between the system of innovation in health and social care and wellbeing key actors in Valencia and invite all the related organizations and companies to join this initiative.


09:30 -11:00 SESSION 1: VALENCIA, A EUROPEAN CITY COMMITTED TO INNOVATION IN HEALTHY LIVING AND ACTIVE AGEING Innovation for Healthy Living & Active Ageing: policies, funding opportunities & projects

Valencian Health Strategy and Digital Services. Regional funding opportunities for innovation. Óscar Zurriaga. General Director for Research, Innovation, Technology and Quality, Conselleria de Sanitat (Valencia Regional Health Department) Spanish funding opportunities for Innovation in Health and Ageing Cecilia Hernández. Head of Department of Health, Bioeconomy, Climate & Nature Resources, Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology - CDTI A healthy and active ageing agenda in Europe. Outcomes of EIPAHA and future opportunities Inés Garcia-Sánchez. Policy Officer, Innovation for Health and Consumers. DG Santé, European Commission
Key innovative projects in Health and Wellbeing in Valencia Presented by representatives of the main organisations of the system of innovation in health and social care and wellbeing
EIP AHA Commitments

Reference Site EIP AHA - I2CV

Valencian Association for the Promotion of Research and Innovation Projects for the Improvement of Quality of Life

Horizon 2020 and EU Health Programme Projects

11:00 -11:30 Networking Coffee

An Ecosystem within an international Network: Why? Which objectives? Which benefits? Brian O´Connor. Chair of the European Connected Health Alliance-ECHAlliance VLC-Health Ecosystem Main topics and priorities, roadmap and next steps Antonio Cano. Professor of the Department of Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Universitat de València. Head of Service, Clinic University Hospital – INCLIVA
Mapping of main actors of the system of innovation in health and social care and wellbeing in Valencia (education & research centres, clusters, incubators, companies, health & social care providers, funders, investors, policy-makers, local authorities, citizens and patients representatives,…) Short presentation by some key stakeholders

12:30 -14:00 SESSION 3: ROUND TABLE “EXISTING HEALTH ECOSYSTEMS AND PROJECTS IN HEALTHY LIVING AND ACTIVE AGEING” With the participation of the representatives of DG Santé, ECHAlliance, other EU Health Ecosystems, members of EIPAHA, and Valencian key stakeholders Moderator: Brian O´Connor. Chair of the European Connected Health Alliance-ECHAlliance
Debate with the room / Questions & Answers

14:00-16:00 Networking Lunch

For online registration please click here (deadline: October 7) 


Universitat de València. UVParc Científic Universitat de València
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