
Green Entrepreneurship & Women

27 April, 2016 | INSME Academy

el miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016 de 13:00 a 15:00



Via Giosué Carducci 4 - 3rd Floor 00187

Rome, Italy

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[;;;][;;;]Green Entrepreneurship & Women

“Green Entrepreneurship & Women and The Essential Role of Public-Private Partnerships to Encourage Innovation”

After the first two successful webinars, INSME invites you to join the third online appointment with the series of webinars organized in the frame of the EUROMED Invest Project, an initiative coordinated by ANIMA Investment Network aiming at developing lastingly business relations, investments and business partnerships between the EU Member States and their partners in the Mediterranean Basin: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.

This session on “Green Entrepreneurship & Women and The Essential Role of Public-Private Partnerships to Encourage Innovation” will treat today’s most important developments in green entrepreneurship with particular attention to the implications for women willing to start a business. The webinar will be the perfect occasion to gain insights on how to develop successful public-private partnerships as a means to encourage innovation and drive economic growth in women-led businesses.

Read the abrastract here

The extended Q&A session will also be your opportunity to learn from professionals, network and share experiences with peers coming from all over the globe.


27 th of April 2016 at 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. CEST


You can register for the event sending an email to [email protected] including your name and surname, organization, e-mail address and country.

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