
1st European Celebration of Women in Computing

From 25 to 26 of April 2016

Comienzo: el lunes, 25 de abril de 2016 a las 08:30
Finaliza: el martes, 26 de abril de 2016 a las 16:45


Proximus ICT Academy.

Carlistraat 2, 1140 Evere

Brussels, Belgium



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[;;;][;;;]1st European celebration of women in computing

1st European celebration of women in computing

From 25 to 26 of April 2016, highly skilled women and information & technology companies will attend the European Celebration of Women in Computing…this can’t happen without you! Register Now!

Why you should attend this event?

1. Are you a young woman in technology?

  • Attending this event is a unique opportunity for young women working in computing to understand that technology is fun.
  • Discover what women have already contributed to the field of computing! Gendered Innovations, technology to the market (T2M), latest discoveries of girls in photonics, nanotechnology, robotics, energy and climate, life sciences and much more will be at the top of the agenda for this special event.
  • Learn about EC initiatives! Find out about the impact of EU measures (Shadowing, Code of Best Practices, Quotas) and the NEW EU MINDSET &INITIATIVES in the pipeline!
  • Enlarge your network! During the parallel workshops, you will have the opportunity to network and to meet IT companies looking for highly skilled women like you.

2. Are you an ICT Company?

  • Take this opportunity to reinvent your IT company through good practices of gendered innovation, diversity and inclusion, balanced leadership.
  • Reach women in computing from all over Europethrough networking with them over two days.
  • Learn about the best human resources practices by attending workshops on how to recruit, guide, empower, engage and keep the best IT women in your team.
  • Increase the visibilty of your company by organising a workshop and sharing your knowledge.

Where and When?

The European Celebration of Women in Computing will take place from 25 to 26 of April  2016 in Brussels, Belgium.

The venue for the event is the Proximus ICT Academy.

Who are the organisers?

The event is organised by the European Centre for Women and Technology (ECWT) under the patronage of the European Commission’s DG CONNECT, DG GROWTH and DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, hosted by Belgium’s leading mobile telecoms company.

Why is this event special?

After the first five years of start-up during the financial crisis ECWT is now scaling up its activities and with the support of strategic partners takes the lead on CELEBRATIING EUROPEAN EXCELLENCE OF WOMEN IN COMPUTING! THIS WITH TO GOAL TO PROVIDE A NEW STRATEGY, A LEADING  COMMUNITY AND TOOLS TO EUROPEAN GIRLS TO BECOME  GLOBAL E-LEADERS OF THE 21ST CENTURY !

ECWC 2016 is organised based on the model of the highly successful Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in the US and is supported by Anita Borg Institute, home of the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in the US and India, and the GHC/1.




Register Now  and become part of this event!

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