
Interreg Europe: Third Call

The third call for project proposals will open on 1 March and close on 30 June 2017

Hasta el viernes, 30 de junio de 2017

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Interreg Europe

Interreg Europe

Funding for Interreg Europe projects is allocated through calls for project proposals – periods of time during the year when applications can be submitted. Each call has an opening and closing date and outside of these dates it is not possible to apply for funding with a project proposal.

Applications are submitted online through the Interreg Europe online system (iOLF). The system may be available shortly before the call opens, so that applicants can register and start preparing their applications. The ‘Submit application’ button, however, is active only during an open call. 

Specific terms of reference are published for each call (see examples below). They can define specific criteria for each call, for example the maximum amount of funding available, the topics open for funding and so on.

Interreg Europe held two calls for project proposals so far (2015 and 2016 - see details below). The monitoring committee of the programme decided for a third call for project proposals to be opened in March 2017.

Third call: 1 March - 30 June 2017

The application pack is now available:

Download the full application pack

Other ways to get ready for the third call:


What is Interreg Europe?

Interreg Europe helps regional and local governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy. By creating an environment and opportunities for sharing solutions, we aim to ensure that government investment, innovation and implementation efforts all lead to integrated and sustainable impact for people and place.

We know that better performance leads to better results. By building on its forerunner, INTERREG IVC (2007-2013), Interreg Europe aims to get maximum return from the EUR 359 million financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for 2014-2020. This time round, it’s still about doing good, but doing it better!

Solutions exist that can help our regions become the best that they can be. Today, the EU’s emphasis is very much on paving the way for regions to realise their full potential – by helping them to capitalise on their innate strengths while tapping into opportunities that offer possibilities for economic, social and environmental progress.

To achieve this goal, Interreg Europe offers opportunities for regional and local public authorities across Europe to share ideas and experience on public policy in practice, therefore improving strategies for their citizens and communities.

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