
What is flitto?

Flitto, the Korean startup that uses crowdsourcing to destroy Google Translate

Publicado por Liuyang
jueves, 23 de enero de 2014 a las 09:00

How did a translation app get 2 million users?

Flitto’s two million users all came onto the platform during their beta testing. Flitto just came out of beta this week in sync with TechCrunch Disrupt. Now, how does an app that was still in beta get over two million users? You have to use it to find out.

On top of the speed of Flitto’s translations, the coolest part has to be the fact that people can make money off of the platform. There’s one girl in Indonesia who makes $300 a month just by translating from Indonesian into English and vice versa. She only works 30 minutes per day on Flitto.

How the points work and how people make money

With Flitto now coming out of beta and launching worldwide, we’re bound to see some growth in its userbase. Currently, all users operate on a point system. They can buy points and redeem them for translations or get paid in points for their translations. It’s easy money for folks who are excellent bilingually and have some extra time to spare. Flitto also manages its userbase via a rating system.

If you are a translator, and you made the best translation, and the requesting user selects your translation as the best, then you get points. These points not only can be redeemed for money via PayPal or your bank account, but it also improves your overall rating. That’s how the Indonesian girl can make $300 a month. And that’s how Flitto gets so many users on its platform, there’s real incentive.

The Full article: Tech In Asia

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