MAESTRALE Newsletter 2
Download file (.pdf 2.909Kb)On 4-6 April 2017 the MAESTRALE team met in Rome to attend the 1st Transnational Meeting. It was a very fruitful discussion on the “State of the Art” of marine energy among the partners.
We also had an interesting field visit to Civitavecchia Harbor, where we had the opportunity to see the REWEC3 power plant in action. Prof. Felice Arena gave a very clear and exhaustive explanation on how it is possible to implement a power plant based on wave energy in an extension of a Port.
It has been emphasized that the best economic performance of such a plant occurs precisely if its realization takes place within an already existing port extension project (i.e. improvement of port safety).
The following two days have been dedicated to the “Launch of the Blue Growth Community in the Mediterranean” organized by the Horizontal Project InnoBlueGrowth.
It was an amazing experience of networking with the other Modular Projects referring to InnoBlueGrowth: speed dating exercises, round tables and plenary presentations were the ingredients that will help integrate knowledge and experiences between (among others) MAESTRALE project and key stakeholders in the Mediterranean.
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11/05/2017 09:55 | sanmemlau