
"We have more than 300 different scientific and educational toys"

Miguel Pina Martins, CEO in Science4you

Publicado por Admoneuropa2020
miércoles, 03 de junio de 2015 a las 16:07

Science4you is a Portuguese company which develops scientific and educational toys in partnership with Lisbon’s Faculty of Science. In Spain they have a partnership with Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and in the United Kingdom with the University of Oxford. Currently, Science4you toys are sold in more than 15 countries around the world.

-What is the main goal Science4you is aimed to?

Our main goal is to improve the educational standards by developing scientific and educational toys that allow children to learn about the different scientific fields, while playing.

- Nowadays your designs are mainly toys and games intended for children , Have you planned to expand players’ age in future products or developments?

We started in 2008 with a range of scientific kits for children with 8 years old and more. Nowadays, Science4you has toys for two-year old babies up to children with 13 or 14 years old, mainly in our Tech4you line. We have more than 300 different scientific and educational toys, and all age-targeted.

- You are selling your product in several countries, what about Spain?

Spain represents the first international market for Science4you. We started selling our toys in Spain in 2009, a year after the beginning of the project in Portugal, and through a Portuguese retail partner. In 2011 we opened our Spanish subsidiary, with an office in Madrid. Today, as mentioned in one of the previous answers, Science4you is present in more than 15 countries but Spain still represents the second biggest market for us, after Portugal.

- You also organize scientific birthday parties, Could you explain what are they?

Our scientific birthday parties aim to stimulate children for the different science fields, such as Geology, Chemistry and Biology, among others. It’s a birthday party where children do a lot of scientific experiments, learning with fun and playing Science at the same time.

- A few months ago you launched to the market the first smartphone in the world, Mobile4You , how has the customers reaction been?

Until now the customer’s reaction about the first smartphone specific created for children has been great. They all value the benefits of offering them child a smartphone that was specifically designed and produced for that purpose. A device that is safe and useful at the same time, and guarantees that the child only has access to the contents that the parents previously approve.

- Which is your best seller product?

The “First Steps in Geology – Volcano” Kit is definitely one of our best sellers.

- What business lines are you currently working in?

At the moment we just launched in the market some scientific kits, such as the Sweet Factory Kit, Chemistry 2000 and the University of Oxford toys range.

- Where can we find your products?

You can find Science4you products in Science4you’s pop up shops in Portugal and Spain, in our online store, and in more than 4.000 stores in more than 15 countries around the world.

- What is the next challenge of Science4you?

At the time being our biggest challenge is our internalization process. In the next two years we predict that the international sales will represent 60% of the company sales. We are very well stabilized at Portugal, so we need to continue investing in this country, but our biggest challenge will be outside the Portuguese market.

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