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Innovators Sensius and INVOLI win the EBAN and SME Instrument Scaleup of the Month

Publicado por Admoneuropa2020
lunes, 04 de junio de 2018 a las 18:00

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Los innovadores Sensius e INVOLI ganan el concurso de Scaleup of the Month

Sensius e INVOLI ganan el concurso de Scaleup of the Month

Every month, EBAN offers selected companies the opportunity to present their startup in a monthly webinar transmitted to the European initial investment community. This time, the webinar was organized jointly with the SME Instrument and included only candidates who had received funding from the SME Instrument.

Sensius, represented by CEO Paul Van den Biggelaar and investor Duko Drijfhout, Investment Manager at UNIIQ, offers a new approach to thermotherapy for the treatment of cancer.

INVOLI, represented by co-founder Mélanie Guittet and investor Mario Moiso, CEO of Moschini S.p.A, aims to securely integrate drones into air traffic by providing unique data on low-altitude air traffic.

Congratulations also to Shotl, Perceive3D and Artys, who provided fierce competition for the winners and contributed greatly to the webinar.

The companies that receive the highest scores each month earn the "Escalation of the Month" title, which comes with greater visibility within the EBAN network, as well as free passes and a launch slot for one of EBAN's flagship events.

The SME Instrument is part of the pilot project of the European Innovation Council that supports innovators, entrepreneurs, small businesses and top-level scientists with funding opportunities and acceleration services.

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