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The Spanish uncovercity, Eyesynth, Plactherm and FuVeX the best startups in Europe


The StartUp Europe Awards initiative has recognized them as one of the best startups in Europe

Publicado por Admoneuropa2020
lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018 a las 09:08

The StartUp Europe Awards initiative of the European Commission and the Finnova Foundation, in collaboration with Startup Europe, has recognized as one of the best startups in Europe the Spanish uncovercity, Eyesynth, Plactherm and FuVeX, in a ceremony chaired by the European Commissioner for Economy and Digital Society, Mariya Gabriel, during the Startup Europe Summit held in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The European Commissioner has encouraged startups to continue working. "We believe in your dreams and you have already shown that progress is made with small steps, and that to be successful requires long nights and serious reflections on how to tackle the most challenging challenges." You have shown that success can come from anywhere in the world. Europe and you have shown that to be successful you must be bold and courageous, "said the commissioner.

The ceremony also recognized 14 other startups from all over Europe that have excelled in each of the categories of the so-called 'Eurovision of startups'. StartUp Europe Awards presents a methodology of awards at local, regional, national and international level, promoting open innovation and collaboration between the different actors of European and other continents ecosystems, through public-private partnership to support entrepreneurs.

"In addition, it creates a network that makes it possible to raise awareness, inspire and make visible local startups so that through it they can scale their services and products globally", assured the director of StartUp Europe Accelerator of Finnova, Juanma Revuelta.

The Valencian startup uncovercity, which makes possible surprise gastronomic experiences with Cabify and which has already been implemented in Madrid with a selection of the most unusual restaurants to discover, has been recognized as the best startup in Europe in the Gastronomy category. For its CEO, Miguel Gil Martí, "to reach the final and be chosen as the best European startup in this category, shows that the way of consuming and thinking about gastronomy has changed and people have adapted to the mobility trends, technology and experience It is a recognition that will allow us to open up to the European market and establish new alliances, "he pointed out.

Eyesynth, from Castellón, has been chosen as the best startup in Europe in the Social category. Eyesynth brings the most powerful assistive technology to people totally or partially blind. Your glasses convert the surrounding 3D space into intuitive sounds. In the words of Antonio Quesada, CEO and co-founder of Eyesynth, "to be identified as the best startup before so many good projects, it is an honor, we are working hard to change the paradigm and offer a technological mobility system that has never been seen before. step more in the way of strengthening the project not only in our territory, but also gives us the opportunity to access new markets.

The Madrid startup Plactherm, which has revolutionized heating systems through a radiant and intelligent floor system, has been chosen as the best startup in Europe in the Energy category. "We created Plactherm with the aim of improving work environments, individualizing thermal comfort, consuming resources only where and when it was necessary, today we see this dream come true, having improved the welfare of hundreds of users, we are sure that this recognition will help us to accelerate the process of internationalization we are in. Thanks for this type of initiatives that allow us to make known the innovation we are doing in Europe "said Felipe Velasco, CEO of Plactherm.

And from Navarra, FuVeX, the startup that aims to take drones to its next industrial step, long-haul flights, has been recognized as the best startup in Europe in the Space category. "We are immersed in a European project to integrate drones into airspace and help develop regulation, preparing an investment round and signing agreements with strategic partners. In our sector there is only one way to win: thinking in a European key. This award helps us gain recognition within the Union. "Carlos Mantilla, CEO of FuVeX, pointed out.

StartUp Europe Awards has also recognized the Xunta de Galicia as the best public entity for startups in Europe in the regional category, for its support for entrepreneurship and innovation. The award has been collected by the general director of Xesgalicia, Fernando Guldrís, who stressed that the economic Administration offers the entrepreneur comprehensive support, which not only includes aid, but training and specialized advice is offered through initiatives such as the Red Gallega of Accelerators, which collaborates with the main strategic sectors of the Community economy, the new direct loans of the Innovative Financial Instruments program (IFIS) or the financing through venture capital funds.

Finally, Startup Europe Awards has recognized the Colombian startup Interacpedia as the best startup in LATAM. Interacpedia reinvents the way in which universities connect with companies, to solve real challenges, making students' projects contribute value to society. For its CEO, Santiago Lalinde, this recognition represents "a very important validation to continue fighting for the objective of changing the way in which companies and universities connect and create together, the way in which teachers teach, students learn and people innovate "

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