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Types of paella you can cook in our Paella School

paella valencia
Escuela de arroces y paella Valenciana | Paella School

Escuela de arroces y paella Valenciana | Paella School

Publicado el miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019 a las 15:41

Paella is internationally recognized as one of the typical dishes of Spanish cuisine and more specifically of Valencian cuisine. When someone comes to visit Valencia, it tends to look for places where to eat this dish. Abroad there is a wrong idea of what a real paella is, being very normal to think that paella includes ingredients like chorizo. Let's talk about the types of paella you can cook in our Paella School, those that have been consumed in a traditional way in the area and are the real reference of a good Valencian dish.

Valencian Paella

The most typical paella of all is the Valencian Paella with chicken and rabbit. It used to be cooked in a paella pan with firewood (better if it was orange wood). It was the central dish and the perfect excuse to meet with the family on Sunday. Today, the tradition of gathering at the table around a good paella is still common.

The ingredients of the Valencian paella are round rice, chicken and rabbit, vegetables like clean “garrofón” (local variety of big white lima bean), ferradura (batxoqueta or wide green/runner beans) and ripe tomato, among others.

It's typical to consume this dish all together directly from the paella pan without the need to use dishes and with a spoon.  However, nowadays it doesn't have to be done like that and in restaurants it's usually served on a plate, especially if it is part of the daily menu.

Vegetables Paella

It is a variant of the paella that doesn't include meat, fish or seafood, so it is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Of course, you don't have to be vegan or vegetarian to opt for this option, since it has a characteristic flavor that you will surely love.

Seafood Paella

This option is the most typical in the coastal areas of Valencia, where the meat is replaced by seafood and fresh fish. It is a very tasty paella variety, since it includes the preparation of an exquisite fish fumet. The fumet is prepared with tomato, onion, virgin olive oil and rock fish, galleys or crabs.

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