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REGIOSTARS Awards 2020


Practices in regional development and highlighting innovative

Hasta el sábado, 09 de mayo de 2020 a las 23:59

The REGIOSTARS Awards are a yearly competition, organised by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy. It aims at identifying good practices in regional development and highlighting innovative, EU-funded projects, which could be attractive and inspiring to other regions and project managers.

The 2020 special topic will be around the 30 years of Interreg, the EU’s emblematic scheme for cooperation across borders, with a specific focus on “youth empowerment for cooperation across borders”.


As in the last editions, five thematic categories are covered: smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, urban development and a topic of the year. Under these categories, the following areas will be covered:

  • Industrial transition for a smart Europe (smart growth);
  • Circular Economy for a green Europe (sustainable growth);
  • Skills&Education for a digital Europe (inclusive growth);
  • Citizens engagement for cohesive European cities (urban development);
  • 30 years of Interreg: Youth empowerment for cooperation across borders (Topic of the Year).


High-level academics will assess the submitted project applications and crown the winners.

In addition, the public will decide on its own winner through a public on-line vote and award the Public choice award to one of the projects.


  • Applications must be submitted by the project manager with the endorsement of the Managing Authority, which provided EU funding (European regional development fund, Cohesion fund, European Social Fund, Pre-accession instrument or European Neighbourhood Instrument) for the project.
  • Applications cannot be sent in a Word document, but have to be submitted exclusively via this online platform.
  • The information should preferably be provided in English, but can also be submitted in any other official EU language if necessary.

The Guide for Applicants provides you with all the necessary information to make your project a winner. Next to the detailed description of this year’s award categories, the eligibility and award criteria, this Guide contains a practical handbook to guide your through the process.

The on-line application platform is open from 2 March until 9 May 2020.


The winners in the five categories, and the winner of the public choice, will receive their well-deserved price at the festive REGIOSTARS ceremony, to take place in Brussels in October 2020.

More information: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/regio-stars-awards/

Contact: contact@regiostarsawards.eu

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