
What are smart rules for businesses abroad?

Check "Doing Business 2013: Smarter Regulations for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises"

Publicado por LauraSo
martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012 a las 18:00

Are you thinking to start a business abroad? Do you know the current regulation for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises in that country? Doing Business 2013: Smarter Regulations for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises ( by International Finance Corporation & The World Bank) analyzes regulations affecting domestic firms in 185 economies and ranks the economies in 10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.

Doing Business seeks to measure business regulations for domestic firms through an objective lens. The project looks primarily at small and medium-size companies in the largest business city. Based on standardized case studies, it presents quantitative indicators on the regulations that apply to firms at different stages of their life cycle. The results for each economy can be compared with those for 184 other economies and over time.

This 10th edition of the Doing Business report is now available, and marks a good time to take stock, to look at how far the world has come in business regulatory practices and what challenges remain. The report also reviews research on which regulatory reforms have worked and how. After 10 years of data tracking reforms and regulatory practices around the world, more evidence is available toaddress these questions. The report summarizes just some of the main findings.

Among the highlights: Smarter business regulation supports economic growth. Simpler business registration promotes greater entrepreneurship and firm productivity, while lower-cost registration improves formal employment opportunities.


Key findings:

· Poland was the global top improver in the past year. It enhanced the ease of doing business through four institutional or regulatory reforms, making it easier to register property, pay taxes, enforce contracts, and resolve insolvency.

· Besides Poland, nine other economies are recognized as having the most improved ease of doing business across several areas of regulation as measured by the report: Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Burundi, Costa Rica, Mongolia, Greece, Serbia, and Kazakhstan.

· Worldwide, 108 economies implemented 201 regulatory reforms in 2011/12 making it easier to do business as measured by Doing Business. Reform efforts globally have focused on making it easier to start a new business, increasing the efficiency of tax administration and facilitating trade across international borders. Of the 201 regulatory reforms recorded in the past year, 44% focused on these 3 policy areas alone. Read about reforms.

· Singapore topped the global ranking on the ease of doing business for the seventh consecutive year, followed by Hong Kong SAR, China; New Zealand; the United States; and Denmark. Georgia was a new entrant to the top 10. View the rankings.

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