

28th and 29th of November

Comienzo: el lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016 a las 09:00
Finaliza: el martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016 a las 17:58


Centro Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF)

C/ Eduardo Primo Yúfera, 3 (junto Oceanogràfic) 46012 Valencia, Spain

Valencia (Valencia)


Tel.: +34 96 328 96 80 / Fax: +34 96 328 97 0

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I congreso Nacional Biomedicina

I Congreso Nacional Biomedicina


This Congress offers for the first time the chance to gather biomedical PhD students from different research centers and universities from all over the country and share their knowledge and ideas about their scientific projects. The goal of the Congress is to promote an easy-going environment where PhD students collaborate with each other.


The Congress is designed for young researchers who are currently developing their PhD. Researchers who have obtained their PhD within the last two years are also welcome (2015-2016). Moreover, Master’s thesis can also be selected provided that its content is enough. 


The I NATIONAL CONGRESS FOR BIOMEDICAL YOUNG RESEARCHERS will be held at Príncipe Felipe Research Centre (Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe) in Valencia during the 28th and 29th of November.

A great selection of oral communications and posters from different biomedical topics will be presented. Moreover, recognized and awarded international scientists will give plenary lectures.

Registration fees include coffee breaks and lunches for both days, and the gala dinner. 


  • Registration form (available at the web) must be fulfilled and e-mailed as a pdf file, along with the PhD program acceptance (in other cases contact organizing committee), to [email protected]
  • Participant will receive a confirmation mail containing a bank account to pay the registration fee up to 5 business days. Any registration without payment on time will not be taken in consideration.
  • Abstract form (available at the web) must be sent during the designated period in order to be considered for oral communication. The participant will be informed about the decision. The option ‘comunicación oral’, ‘poster’ or both must be selected within the abstract form.

There are different registration deadlines with increasing fees (check programme)


The Congress has limited attendance (150-200 participants). Registrations will be selected in arrival order.

Selection will be individually informed via e-mail.


Participants can present their work as a poster (90X120cm). Moreover, a scientific committee will select relevant and interesting abstracts for oral communications (‘comunicación oral’ option must be selected in the registration form). Selected participants will be informed with sufficient advance.

Posters and Oral communications can be awarded:

  • Best Poster 2016
  • Best Oral Communication 2016

The Award Ceremony will take place during the last day.

More information

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