
Open Entrepreneurship: Inclusive & Innovative & International

EBN’s annual policy event

el viernes, 27 de enero de 2017 de 00:00 a 01:00


Avenue de Tervuren, 168

1150 Brussels

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EBN Open Entrepreneurship

On the topic of "Open Entrepreneurship: Inclusive | Innovative | International" EBN’s annual policy event brings together Brussels-based policy makers with EBN’s practitioner members for a short series of presentations and discussions around topics of core interest to our ecosystem.

This event will be as well the occassion of the present the partnership and collaboration between EBN and JPMorgan Chase Fundation on rendering business incubators/accelerators more inclusive in their service offering. The expertice of EU|BICs and JPM Chase Foundation Grantees will show that they support can help to grow the economy, by making entrepreneurs more innovative, more inclusive and more international.

Starting with a keynote introduction setting the scene, the event will move on to the presentation of 3-4 successful entrepreneurs stemming from the areas of inclusivity, innovation and internationalisation. This will showcase their businesses and show how the support of organisations such as EU|BICs and JPMorgan Chase Foundation grantees have helped in their success. This will be followed by a roundtable of 4-5 experts that will consider the special support different types of entrepreneurs need, and how the EBN ecosystem delivers this support in the best way possible.

Completing the event will be a cocktail reception with opportunities to network with speakers and participants.

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