
International workshop. Measures to enhance productivity growth

el lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017 de 09:00 a 13:40


Facultad de Economía, Universitat de València

Salón de Grados

Avda. Tarongers, s/n. 46022 Valencia

Valencia (Valencia)

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Foto workshop productividad

Foto workshop productividad

The sluggish evolution of the productivity after the financial and economic crisis in the developed economies has raised many different hypotheses that seek to understand the underpinnings of this phenomenon. This workshop tries to shed some light on the factors that determine the productivity slowdown, and the elements or variables that could help boost it.

This seminar will be organized around the following topics:

  • The issue of productivity in the aftermath of the great recession
  • The role of intangible assets
  • The relevance of human capital for growth
  • The problem of misallocation and firm dynamics
  • The implication of the cross-border fragmentation of the production process -the so-called global value chains-
  • Some measuring challenges in the context of the new economy (the digital transformation and the use of big data, and the measurement of brands)
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