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MedaWeek Barcelona 2021


From 17 to 19 November 2021

Comienzo: el miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2021 a las 09:00
Finaliza: el viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2021 a las 18:30


Casa Llotja de Mar

Passeig d'Isabel II, 1

Barcelona (Barcelona)

Google Calendar

Más información e inscripciones

MedaWeek Barcelona (Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders) is nowadays the iconic conference dedicated to promoting the Mediterranean region worldwide. This event endorses the key economic sectors and the cultural values of this region through a wide variety of forums.


  • Identify concrete, innovative solutions and trends that will shape the region and help its economic ecosystem move forward in the post COVID-19 scenario.
  • Create a common and innovative space that will serve as basic axis for the relationships’ development between both shores of the Mediterranean.
  • Promote the integration of the region to boost in investments, exports, the creation of jobs and new companies, transformation and sustainability, having women and youth as priority actors.
  • Construct a common future between the two shores, based on new technologies, innovation, digital transformation, green and blue economies, renewable energy, health, tourism and sustainable food, among others.


Businesses, corporations, governments and multilateral organizations from the Mediterranean basin and abroad.


17 November - Wednesday

09:00 Online Connection

09:15 Official Opening MEDAWEEK

10:00 9th Mediterranean Green&Renewable Energy Summit

11:30 Break

12:00 9th Mediterranean Green&Renewable Energy Summit

15:00 1st Mediterranean Creative Economy Forum / 4th Mediterranean Start-Up & Entrepreneurship Meeting

16:30 Break

17:00 1st Mediterranean Creative Economy Forum // INTECMED Meeting

18 November - Thursday

09:00 Online Connection

09:15 Official Opening MEDAWEEK

10:00 18th New Africa Business Development Forum // 6th Mediterranean Islamic Finance Forum

11:30 Break

12:00 2nd Mediterranean Healthcare Forum // Conference Barcelona

13:30 Break


16:30 Break

17:00 3er Mediterranean Social Economy Forum

19 November  - Friday

09:00 Online Connection

09:15 Official Opening MEDAWEEK

10:00 13th Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum

11:30 Break

12:00 5th Mediterranean Hotels &Hospitality Forum

13:30 Break

15:00 MED Blue Economy in Action Conference // 1st Mediterranean Cruise Industry Medatalk

16:30 Break

17:00 1st Mediterranean Sport Industry Medatalk


It will be held on 17, 18 and 19 November 2021 in a hybrid way, in person at Casa Llotja de Mar, in Barcelona, and it can be followed online.


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