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'About Japan' webinar series 210: Engaging with Japanese consumers - why storytelling wins in digital and social media platform


el martes, 23 de mayo de 2023 de 10:30 a 11:30

In this webinar, we will explore how to engage with Japanese consumers through effective storytelling on digital and social media platforms. Japan is a unique market with distinct cultural norms and values, and it is crucial to understand these differences to succeed in marketing to Japanese consumers. Our speakers will share insights on how to approach marketing in Japan and the key differences to consider, including language, aesthetics, and social norms. We will also dive into the power of storytelling in Japanese culture and how it can be leveraged to create meaningful connections with consumers. Whether you are looking to enter the Japanese market or improve your current marketing strategies, this webinar will provide valuable insights and practical tips for success. Join us to learn how to unlock the potential of storytelling to engage with Japanese consumers and drive business growth.

OBJECTIVE: explore how to engage with Japanese consumers through effective storytelling on digital and social media platforms.


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

TARGETED TO: companies selling to consumers (B2C) who are interested in entering the Japan market, or expanding in Japan.

DATE AND HOUR: 23th of May 2023. From 10:30 to 11:30

PLACE: Online

MORE INFORMATION IN 'About Japan' webinar

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