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Decarbonisation, Open Innovation challenges and a lot of innovation in blue energy

Foto de grupo- webinar BLUE Open Innovation en el Mediterráneo

More than 30 people attended this morning the BLUE Open Innovation webinar in the Mediterranean, organised by CEEI within the BLUE DEAL project.

Blue Deal - CEEI Valencia

Blue Deal - CEEI Valencia

Publicado el viernes, 09 de abril de 2021 a las 12:59

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Ponentes webinar BLUE Open Innovation en el Mediterráneo

Ponentes webinar BLUE Open Innovation en el Mediterráneo

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Dispositivo desarrollado por Typsa para el proyecto MatchUp

Dispositivo desarrollado por Typsa para el proyecto MatchUp

"The first climate law will put an end to fossil fuels".

This is how the Spanish newspapers dawned this morning with the news of the approval in Congress of the first law to combat climate change. And this is how Pedro Fresco, Director General of Ecological Transition of the Generalitat Valenciana, wanted to begin his participation in this webinar.

"We are facing the end of fossil fuels and that is why it is important to highlight the importance that marine renewable energies will have in this energy transition process to achieve decarbonisation," said Fresco.

The ocean is an enormous source of energy that we should be able to take advantage of, but the market can not cope with everything, so "public administrations have to help these marine energy projects to mature so that they can offer us this complementary energy", added Pedro.

After his speech in which he highlighted the potential of these energies, Pedro gave way to Pablo Torregrosa, International Projects Manager of CEEI, who explained the objectives of the BLUE DEAL project in the promotion of the implementation of "blue energies" in the Mediterranean area.

He also highlighted the creation of a new platform dedicated to the promotion of this type of energy through participatory events, such as the event that will take place next week (BLUE DEAL Transferring Lab). This website also allows participants to interact through B2B meetings, and it will be where next month the BLUE DEAL Open Innovation Challenge will be presented.

Carmen Renovell was in charge of explaining what this open innovation action will consist of and how to participate in the different challenges that will be created. Carmen encouraged attendees to submit their proposals both as challengers (launching a challenge) and as solvers (offering a solution to the challenge).

He also highlighted that participation in the challenges will allow companies to position themselves in the ecosystem, gain visibility and recognition, present their innovative technologies and generate synergies.

Javier Abanades, Hydrodynamic Responsible of Offshore Renewable Projects of Typsa Group has embodied the most technical part of this webinar.

Javier presented the practical case of the device they have developed for the MatchUp project, a float that uses wave energy and could cover 40% of the demand of the Marina of the Port of Valencia. He emphasised that "there is a clear and absolute awareness of the need to promote this type of energy" and proof of this has been the facilities they have had from the City Council to develop the system.

The event ended with a round table where participants were able to ask questions and discuss the different devices that were discussed during the morning.

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