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EWA- Empowering Women in Agrifood


It targets especially at rural areas with difficult access to other business incubation programmes or training

Hasta el lunes, 15 de junio de 2020 a las 23:59

Women with passion, ideas and answers to the challenges that the agrifood sector has to face for the society of the XXI century. That is what we are looking for, which is why today we have opened the programme Empowering Women in Agrifood (EWA), to be implemented in five countries.

EWA aims to reinforce female leadership and wants to support women with ideas or startups in initial phases in the agrifood sector.

The EWA programme also incorporates a remarkable financing section which will give access to prizes up to 10,000 euros at the end of the process and will also facilitate the link to other EIT Food programmes with access to finance.

The third aspect of the programme is the creation of a community through events and a network with over 100 female entrepreneurs and mentors in the sector, as well as access to contacts from diverse fields such as investment, technology, corporate or other contacts from the net of the European consortium. 


It targets especially at rural areas with difficult access to other business incubation programmes or training. EWA will be implemented it in Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Romania and Turkey.

It will include both women that have an idea to materialize, and those who have already created a startup and are taking their first steps. The workshops, as well as the different actions, are driven by professional women.


The programme, which will be developed from July to December and will be entirely free, includes tailor-made online and face-to-face training (the final details will depend on the evolution of the Covid-19 health crisis).

DEADLINE 15/06/2020


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