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EU Industry Week 2022: Local events

Días de la industria UE

Deadline for proposals 5/12/2021

Hasta el domingo, 05 de diciembre de 2021 a las 23:59

The EU Industry Weeks is a collaboration between the European Commission and stakeholders of European industrial ecosystems. Companies, entrepreneurs, organisations, national ministries or other industry stakeholders can curate and host their own local events across Europe as part of the official EU Industry Weeks programme. The European Commission will select local events through this call for expression of Interest.


If you or your organisation want to help shape the discussion on European industry and industrial policy, curating and hosting a local event at the EU Industry Weeks is a great platform. The EU needs an active and engaging dialogue with industry players to achieve the transition to a digital, greener and more resilient European industry. Be part of the discussion by curating and hosting a local event during the EU Industry Weeks 2022.


Individuals or organisations interested in organising a local event at EU Industry Weeks.


In line with our ecosystem and industrial pathways objectives, the EU Industry Days 2022 would like to include sessions covering one or more of the following topics in the programme.

  • Green and digital transition. Broadening the dialogue on transition pathways from the Industry Forum to a wide range of stakeholders.
  • Resilience. How we can build and invest in the new emerging green and resilient economy.
  • Youth in industry. How EU industry can engage young people.


Submit your proposal for local events until 5 December via the website.

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