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International deep tech & deep science start-ups investment forum

Tranfiere 2022

Open Call for deep tech & deep science Start-ups

Hasta el viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2021 a las 23:59

Transfiere 2022 launches "Open Call for deep tech & deep science Start-ups" coordinated by the Enterprise European Network (EEN).


Provide the opportunity for national and international start-ups, with deep tech and deep science projects, to increase their visibility to expert investors in the sector both nationally and internationally.


National and international deep tech and deep science start-ups.


The selection committee will select 10 start-ups, 5 Spanish and 5 international, which will be announced on January 14, 2022.


  • Free access to the exhibition area for all applicants.

For the selected start-ups:

  • Networking agenda that allows each start-up to arrange more than 30 B2B meetings with other attendees and potential partners during the event.
  • 5-minute pitch in front of deep tech investors & experts (3min pitch + 2min Q&A).
  • Specialized audience looking for deep tech solutions and investment opportunities.

The "best deep tech start-up" will be awarded at the official ceremony the following day (Feb 17th) giving visibility trough international communication and media opportunities.

The winner will also give a 15-minutes pitch right after this ceremony.


Registration must be completed before January 1, 2021.

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